Please join the Unstoppable Frankie Picasso, Tuesday, Oct.12th when my guest is Body Communication expert, Sharon Sayler.
Sharon has authored the book, "What Your Body Says (and how to master the message)" and with a bit of practice, anyone and EVERYONE, can attain a high level of communication that is not only clear and effective, but will surely help you to inspire the uninspired and transform the change-resistant into agents of progress.
Respectful communication is learning to communicate both verbally and non-verbally with confidence and clarity. When respectful communication is practiced it means you will—
• Boost morale and improve attitude in the workplace.
• Know which behaviors foster understanding.
• Improve customer service and satisfaction.
• Apply a structured influence model to improve your ability to convince others.
• Increase personal and professional productivity.

If you are a speaker, manager, entertainer, etc..and you want to command your audience, this is the 'secret' to having them eat out of your hand.