Please join me, the Unstoppable Frankie Picasso as we go on another Mission Unstoppable. This week my guest is Steve Elder. Steve is known as a speaker, wealth adviser, professional coach, husband, and father, who often counsels people about their life goals. Today, Steve can add Author to that laundry list of ‘who’ he is, and as inspiring book it is too.
Steve’s book is called ‘ How Much More Longer’ the title taken from an expression his impatient son would ask while taking trips in the family car, but today, that saying has much more relevance for all of us as Steve asks, "when will you start living your passion and truth?"

Steve’s book is filled with anecdotes and life lessons that challenge us to step up to the plate to become and live as our authentic selves. How Much More Longer are you going to live in Pain? The “PAIN” of being YOU?

. Steve know all about pain. His painful experiences—a near-death car crash and later a bankruptcy—led him to ask hard questions about his life’s purpose: What is it that you want? And how much longer will you wait to honestly answer that question? With a passion born of deep trauma and tough choices, How Much More Longer will convince you that the time to decide how to live is now.