Today on FrankieSense & More, host Frankie Picasso welcomed back Christian authors Rachelle Dekker ,  Ben Sciacca, and Cathy Krafve ( frequent voice on Dyanmic Women Radioas and today’s co-host.

Rachelle has  completed her final novel in her SEER series, The Returning. The first two novels in the series are The Choosing and The Calling and you can listen to Rachelle’s previous interviews with Frankie by checking in the archives. In this final book, the Seers send seven chosen warriors to rescue Elise and bring restoration to the Authority City. The lines are drawn for a final battle between light and darkness. The Returning looks at the theme of forgiveness and all the guests had a great discussion around the idea of forgiveness. Rachelle Dekker is the eldest daughter of NY times multi award winning author  Ted Dekker and lives in Nashville with her husband and cat.

Ben Sciacca whose latest book Meals from Mars explores race, racism, and the racial divide that is growing throughout the World today. It centers on  two men from different worlds who are forced by circumstance to see, hear and consider one another’s  life from each others perspective. It is a novel that demonstrates the social challenges and relational potential for racial reconciliation, and while the two men in this book are black and white, this theme works for any group who are polarized. Ben serves as the executive director of Restoration Academy in Fairfield, Alabama.  Restoration Academy is a private, Christ-centered school that serves predominantly lower-income children in the Birmingham, Alabama area.

Cathy Kravfe super book fan, frequent guest on Dynamic Women Radio and professional writer herself joins Frankie for a riveting show on faith and forgiveness, and BIG LIFE questions about God, purpose and humanity.