Hey Folks.. You may remember a few months ago after interviewing Betsy Kalin, the director, writer and producer of East La Interchange, that I decided on air to purchase a copy of the film for the local East LA library that couldn’t afford to own copy for itself. I felt that this film was important for the community and I guess I was right. I just received this beautiful letter from Lupe Leyva, the Senior Librarian at Robert Louis Stevenson Branch Library.
It looks like they held a screening and it was successful with plans for another underway.
Hi Frankie,
This email is long overdue, but I couldn’t let another day go by without thanking you SO MUCH for the copy of East LA Interchange you donated to our branch library.
As someone who grew up in Boyle Heights and who came back to Boyle Heights as a librarian to serve my community, I really wanted to be able to screen the documentary that presents the incredible history and richness of community that we are lucky to have here in Boyle Heights. Thanks to your generosity, this is now possible. We had the first screening of East LA Interchange on Saturday, June 24; I’ve attached the flyer we used for that event. Since then, we have had so many more people in the neighborhood ask about the next screening. I’m hoping to have another screening at the end of summer, possibly in August or September, and I will be inviting folks who are in the documentary to attend. So far, I have one person who is confirmed and we don’t event have the date set yet!
Boyle Heights is an incredible neighborhood, and I am honored to have grown up here and to be working here now. Please know that you have made such a difference for our community.
With heartfelt thanks,
Lupie Pérez Leyva
Senior Librarian, Robert Louis Stevenson Branch
Los Angeles Public Library
p: 323.268.1349 | w: http://home/frankie9/public_html.lapl.org/branches/robert-louis-stevenson
a: 803 Spence Street, Los Angeles, CA 90023
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