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Living Happy Inside Out with the Ambassador of Happiness, Maura Sweeney


Maura Sweeney is an Author, Podcaster, International Speaker and Huffington Post Blogger. She is also the Trademarked Ambassador of Happiness transforming her “Living Happy – Inside Out” mantra into a global voice. A popular media guest featured on NBC-TV, Britain’s BBC and over 100 outlets around the world, she lectures on Identity, Influence and Leadership. Passionate about people from every background, Maura inspires others to become their happiest and most authentic selves. Her insightful questions and personal stories unite and uplift, helping us see what’s best in ourselves -- and others, too.

The Maura Sweeney: Living Happy Inside Out podcast is specifically designed for you to begin living happy from the inside out. With reflective questions, anecdotal stories and encouraging thoughts, Maura empowers you toward transformation, reinvention and personal growth. Because Maura focuses on the thought life, she's been described as spirituality centered, philosophy focused and self-help oriented. However, when listening to her podcasts, you’ll quickly realize that Maura’s inspiring messages are always 4u!


Maura Sweeny in pink sweater, finding happiness where she goes

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